A psychometric test for managers

Manage-R is a psychometric tool that will help you assess candidates for managerial positions,
or support current managers expected to take up people-related, strategic
and organisational challenges in the course of their professional activity.

The benefits of Manage-R

Find out what you can gain from adopting a tool like Manage-R

Analyse the managerial skills of a candidate / employee
Improve your managerial development tools
Engage & retain your managers
Optimise the way your company is managed

With Manage-R, optimise the way your company is managed!

Measure the 9 key behavioural skills needed for Management

A report that brings to light the comfort zones and areas requiring effort of the assessed person in the 9 behavioural skills deemed key for Organisation Management, Team Management and Transformation Management, as well as the 5 resources needed to take on managerial responsibilities confidently and for the long-term.

Investigate their managerial preferences using soft skills

A 3-part questionnaire to investigate behavioural preferences (soft skills), workplace beliefs and strategies for solving complex problems.

Focused on personal behaviours and resources, our managerial skills model was developed rigorously.

The results are presented in a detailed, operational report, to be shared with the manager:

  • The manager's level of comfort in the 3 spheres of management and the 9 managerial skills.
  • The level of mastery of the 5 personal resources which allow managerial activities to be carried out calmly and sustainably.
  • Advice and suggestions for challenges to be overcome by the manager with a view to developing skills.

A unique experience with shared benefits

For the employee:

  • Heightened awareness of their skills and areas for improvement
  • Involvement in personal development
  • Trusting and sharing relationship with the company

For the HR professional:

  • A better understanding of employees’ managerial profile
  • Shared steering of the skills development process
  • Decisions made objective, reliable and traceable

For the company:

  • A managerial support system that is customised and profitable
  • Internal resource optimisation
  • Less error in recruitment or internal promotion

Interested in Manage-R?

Our team would be pleased to talk it over with you.

CONTACT USor start now with a free trial
Our customers choose Manage-R to optimise the way their company is managed and create the leadership of the future!

User training in our tools is a fundamental part of our ethical and scientific approach

Integrate the MANAGE-R certification pathway, remotely or in a face-to-face session, at your company or on our premises. Experienced trainers and dedicated tutoring are provided so that you can make this psychometric tool your own and integrate it effectively into your interviewing processes.

Choose from two training methods: 2h virtual class and 1d face-to-face | 6h virtual class