Assessment Center

Predict your talents’ success

Discover our unique approach to the Assessment Center, designed to accurately assess a candidate’s soft skills through direct observation of the individual in a professional situation. Recognised as the most predictive on the market, it is ideal for both recruitment and talent development.

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A unique experience

Our expertise in the implementation of assessment centers is innovative and unique. We assess the critical skills for a position, thanks to a multidimensional approach which comprises of a battery of behavioural and cognitive tests, scenarios, role plays and structured interviews. We base our recommendations on objective, measurable criteria and the rigour of experienced consultants.


Understand the context

The analysis of the context, needs and environmental conditions are decisive for the success of an assessment. Our experts pay particular attention to this phase (job description, company culture, management style). The main objective is to map the skills to be assessed during the Assessment Center, and only those that make the difference in a given context.

We advise you on the choices to make when identifying the skills to be assessed by defining with you a precise framework adapted to your challenges.


Conduct Assessment Centers

When conducting our assessment center, all our consultants rigorously follow the same method and principles:

  • All our consultants are trained and experts in the tests used to assess candidates & certified in accordance with the iso 10 667.2 standard.
  • They respect an ethical framework and method, when conducting interviews.
  • They respect a precise schedule for the tests which comprise the assessment center to reduce the appearance of bias.
  • They follow advanced training as an actor to ensure situations are very close to the reality of the position and daily activities.
  • They provide personalised support to keep all candidates motivated during the Assessment Center.

Compiling the Report

Assessment Center reports serve as a reference for employee development plans and candidate selection. The observations on behaviour and performance are supported by the restitution of test results and tests promoting clear understanding of the report conclusions

At PerformanSe, two reports are used following an Assessment Center:

  • a restitution report which serves to share the results with the assessee,
  • a report resulting from observations which contains in-depth, objective, concrete and factual analyses, thanks to the many tools used & the expertise of our consultants .

Our data always results from observations, objective, concrete and factual analyses, thanks, in particular, to our psychometric tests as well as our consultants’ expertise.


Recommendations & Advice

The human qualities, professionalism and technicality of our team of experts differentiate us in the market. The team is composed of:

  • 6 coachs,
  • 5 work psychologists in companies,
  • experienced human resources professionals,
  • more than 50 years of expertise in human resources.

As a conclusion to the Assessment Center (in addition to the documents provided) our experts have a discussion (with candidates and/or clients) to help them understand all the information transmitted. This post assessment feedback is key & enables candidates to take the necessary step back & take stock of the outcomes. It also enables experts to share additional information.

Choose the best consultants and let yourself be guided by their advice and know-how.


Discover the benefits of the most predictive assessment method in recruitment for both the candidate and the organisation.


Improve the reliability of recruitment decision-making


Ensure a common vision of their profession with their future company


Ensure the alignment of the candidate with the company culture


Develop their ways of interacting beyond their core area of expertise

Our prices

  • Proximity Manager

    • Half a day

      45' of tests  •  1 hour of simulation  •  2h20' of interviews

    • Full day

      45' of tests  •  3 hours of simulation  •  3h45' of interviews

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  • Middle Manager

    • Half a day

      45' of tests  •  1h of exercises in situation  •  2h20' of interviews

    • All day

      45' of tests  •  3h of exercises in situation  •  3h45' of interviews

    Talk to a consultant Talk to a consultant
  • Top Manager

    • Half a day

      45' of tests  •  1h of exercises in situation  •  2h20' of interviews

    • All Day

      45' of tests  •  3h of exercises in situation  •  3h45' of interviews

    Talk to a consultant Talk to a consultant

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Our team

Find out more about our team of consultants and experts in the field of human resource management. Multiple professions represented: Coaches, social and work psychologists, they will accompany you with all your problems.

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