

For many companies, sales teams represent the fundamental element of trade expansion, which shows the importance of recruiting skilled and dynamic salespeople.

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Optimise your sales force!

Perf’Co is a recruitment test to assess your candidates in commercial roles, or to assess salespeople already in position that need developing. Who will you recruit? A hunter, a farmer...? It depends on the context. At PerformanSe, we believe that to recruit the “perfect salespeople”, you need to look for a candidate who has the soft skills the most adapted to your sales strategy.

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A unique commercial referential!

Take advantage of a graphic report to assess the candidate’s level of comfort at the 3 main stages of the sale:

  • Investigation: Explore and understand the client’s needs and expectations
  • Demonstration: Adapt, argue and place the highest value on the response to client issues
  • Closing: Convince and open a dialogue with clients

And the two main styles of the commercial approach:

  • Hunter: short-term, offensive and competitive approach,
  • Farmer: long-term, consensual and collaborative approach...

A simple view of the sales profile

The results of the test are put into perspective by comparing them with those of a reference population of 4600 salespeople, thus making it possible to position the assessee in a precise way compared to their peers.

The customised report includes:

  • Simple and effective graphics, accompanied by qualitative information on the drivers for success and areas for development
  • Indicators to assess the assessee’s preferred style and their capacity to adapt to the environment
  • A representation of the results of the reference commercial population, enabling you to position the individual in relation to their peers.

Develop the skills of your salespeople

The report offers a consulting-oriented description of the following aspects:

  • the candidate’s preferred environment
  • behavioural alerts related to their professional activity,
  • their capacity to adapt.


Discover the benefits of assessing commercial skills


Strengthen your sales force by assessing soft skills


Awareness of their commercial skills


Recruit profiles adapted to the sales strategy


Develop their commercial potential

Interested in Perf’Co?

Our team is available to discuss this further with you.

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A rewarding training path

Training in our tools is a fundamental and mandatory part of our ethical and scientific approach.

Hybrid training alternating synchronous and asynchronous learning:

  • Appropriation (3,5 hours) + training (2 hours) can be done either through virtual classes or a 7-hour face-to-face session.
  • We provide learning resources (guides, videos, etc.) lasting a total of 1h30 for autonomous learning

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