How to develop the employees’ managerial capabilities?

Talent Development
How to develop the employees’ managerial capabilities?

Benefits for ENSP

Beyond optimizing talent management, PerformanSe’s approach has enabled…

  • Better knowledge and progression for future commissioners

  • Better guidance for candidates

  • Measurement of training needs

  • Individualized support


The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police provides initial and continuing training for police officers and commissioners. Each of these future police officers and commissioners will be required to manage and interact with men and teams. In order to prepare the 50 future commissioners graduating each year to take on their upcoming managerial responsibilities, the ENSP called on PerformanSe to operate, at the end of the two years of training, a tool enabling its future recruits to get to better know themselves, and thus to improve their progress.

PerformanSe Solution

  • 01

    Implemented Manage-R and TwoB-R tools, which cross-reference cognitive and behavioural assessment data

  • 02

    Implemented a tailored approach followed by individual face-to-face debriefings by trained staff.

Everyone will need to manage, which means delegating, negotiating, learning to control but also to listen, in order to interact optimally with individuals and teams. That's why we needed tools to help everyone understand their position in relation to this delicate role, to better know themselves and to progress. Because management is also a matter of setting an example.

Laurent Guilmet

Divisional Commissioner in charge of initial training for police commissioners

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