What would you say to reinventing career management?

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What would you say to reinventing career management?
Oct 19, 2022

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What would you say to reinventing career management?

Yesterday, the company was a place we never left, and ideas for a break in his career were rare and suspicious. Today, on the other hand, stopping to think has become more natural, a sign of greater mobility and a positive appetite for change. But mechanically, distance and indifference to the organization increase…

In this context, the very idea of career management is undermined. Is there still room for loyalty to the organization? Can the company still be desirable? Can we abandon a positive model of integrated collaboration? And, if not, how to make it still attractive and make people want to project themselves there?

It is to address these crucial issues that we propose this White Paper dedicated to career management. The results of studies, the views of career experts and HRD testimonies invite us to imagine other models. Because the very idea of a career needs to be rethought today, both for organizations and their employees!

Discover how to rethink career management with our White Paper!

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What would you say to reinventing career management?


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