What are the motivations of your candidates?

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What are the motivations of your candidates?
E-book Feb 19, 2019

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Mockup Guide Motivations Candidates
Mockup Guide Motivations Candidates

Job satisfaction and professional development arise when there is an optimal match between the motivating forces driving an employee and that employee’s work environment. An environment that provides responses to employees’ main needs will promote their well-being, commitment and performance at work!

In this Guide...

In a professional context, the scientific literature has identified nine motivators as covering the vast majority of individual needs relating to job satisfaction and well-being in the workplace: achievement, organisation, diversity, altruism, belonging, recognition, autonomy, learning and power. Knowing these motivators will give you a valuable guide to understanding and identifying the needs of individuals at work, resonating with your company’s organisational practices.

Discover what motivates your candidates in our guide!

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Mockup Guide Motivations Candidates


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