PerformanSe Certified ISO 27001

PerformanSe Certified ISO 27001
Article Jan 16, 2024 1 minute

The highest level of security accreditation

We are proud to announce that PerformanSe has recently obtained the prestigious ISO 27001 certification from Bureau Veritas Certification, thus consolidating our commitment to information security.

ISO 27001 is an international standard that sets out the criteria for establishing and maintaining an information security management system (ISMS). This certification demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the highest security standards in the services we deliver to our clients, as well as the highest levels of confidentiality in the handling of their data.

The benefits of this standard...

for PerformanSe clients and users.

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    Confidentiality. Your data is processed in accordance with the highest security standards.

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    Integrity. The integrity of your data is guaranteed and controlled by certified processes.

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    Availability. Continuity and disaster recovery plans are in place and regularly tested with certified technical infrastructure and development processes.

A process of continuous improvement

By obtaining ISO 27001 certification [Certificate No. FR084645], PerformanSe continues to engage in a process of continuous improvement, as we have been doing since 2015 with our ISO 17667-2 certification for the design of psychometric tests, assessment services, and talent development.

This certification is the result of the active collaboration of all PerformanSe teams and consolidates our employees' commitment to delivering the highest level of quality and security to the company's partners and clients.

A big thank you to our clients whose continued trust inspires us to maintain high standards and offer exceptional quality services!

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