Employees and their careers: the great indecision?

Employees and their careers: the great indecision?
Infographic Mar 15, 2023 Less than a minute

Did you Know?

61% of employees surveyed are satisfied with their career development and 86% feel they have the skills to adapt to change. However, their career plans remain relatively vague, with 35% saying they do not have a clearly defined career plan.

Today's careers are not like yesterday's, employees' expectations and motivations at work are changing, players are hesitating and contracts are evolving. To better understand the expectations of today's employees, PerformanSe surveyed - via Panelabs - 1099 European employees aged between 22 and 55.

Discover the results of the survey in the infographic below. And if you'd like more information on the subject, you can download our white paper dedicated to career management.

Infographic Employees and their careers the great indecision

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